Winter Styling 101: The WARDROBE


Hi everyone,

For all of you living in the Southern Hemisphere and in New Zealand particularly: WINTER HAS FINALLY ARRIVED!!!! Our extended summer came to a sudden halt and sadly it is now time for us to dig deep into the cupboards for our long coats, scarves, boats, hats , gloves etc.....

Now for many of you this is a rather daunting task. I know for me wardrobe change overs often are... I tend to sit in front of it, wondering what to wear, how did I do it last season, what should I throw out? how to still look funky and fashionable? And then I say: OH NO!!!! I have nothing to wear!

This is never really the case. But that first look into the Wardrobe is often very daunting! and overwhelming... even for the best of us...SO how to do get on with it and tackle the wardrobe: 

Step One: Throwing out all those unwanted things that take up space and leave you feeling miserable and in a  state of Lack.

Look through it and try one clothes you think you like, clothes you love and that which you have never worn.

Remove all those things you wish you would wear one day and that you want to where are after you loose the miraculous weight you gained 10 years ago!!!! REMOVE IT!!!! Steop one is to embrace who you are today and now... Remember you are enough exactly who you are!!! First step in the transformation process is to be present . 

So carefully go through you wardrobe, picking out all the things you love. Always start with what you love... This positive frame of mind leaves you feeling abundant and in a state of gratitude. In this state one feels that they are able to create more amazing things and more abundance. Law of nature is such that , when  one feels grateful, they attract more  ..... So start with looking through all the things you love to wear and pull those out .

How on earth do I wear these:

PIle two: Next, pull out the things that you  love but dont know how to wear or if it suites you but there is something about those pieces that make you happy or take you to a nostalgic place... or some fuzzy feelings happen... Those are good!!!! This emotion could be that you are engaging with your true child like self.. you spirit.. You inner child, This that we often keep hidden or away in order to live as mums, carrer women, wives, etc.. Basically the self we loose in order to live and be in keeping with our other roles in this life.

Third: Remove all those things you hate, they are frumpy!!!! You feel ugly but you wear it cos its a good pair of work pants! Or its good for cleaning the house! Or its big but it was very expensive there fore I need to keep wearing it!!!!! Or  my best freind gave it to me and I miss her so i  need to wear it to keep a connection.. Whilst these are all great sentiments, I ask you : How do you feel in these things? Do they make you feel like a cleaning warrior while doing the house work? Do you feel like a gym ninga when walking? Do you feel confident and proud in those black pants that cost you half your weeks salary, 10 years ago but now are too big or just not where you are right now in your personal growth? Well , bottom line ladies is that if you are not feeling those items of clothing positively, then you need to get rid of them!!!!!!

Fourth pile: Look through those clothes for things you  once loved so much but now you dont wear them because you feel that you JUST CANT! Maybe your ex boy freind gave it to you and now you just cant wear it, or you love red but you afraid of it for some reason.... Basically, you wish you could but you just cant!!! ANd its got nothing to do with whether it fits or whether it suites you or whether you love the style... You do love it and it does fit etc... but you just cannot wear it!!! YOU ARE AFRAID!!!!.... Keep those all together too....

Do this same process for your shoes and accessories..... Go through them and put them in to these four piles....

Now for today, get ride of the pile, you hate and the pile you feel frunmpy in!!! Either give it to freinds or save it in a bag for a clothes swap. Or take it to your nearest second hand store.... WHAT ever you lioke, Just get ride of it as fast as possible!!!!!...



karishma kelsey